Saturday 10 February 2007

What goes around comes around...

We are still living in the wake of the Second World War. After the horrors committed by the Nazis, nothing is more contemptible or horrifying to us in the West than right-wing extremism. Equally if not more horrifying were the terrible acts carried out in the name of the extreme left, but as they were hidden behind the veil of the Iron Curtain, and due to the fact that armed conflict never broke out between the West and the USSR, the same contempt for the extreme left is nowhere to be found.

In fact the situation is quite the opposite: leftist ideals crept their way into the minds of the political and social elites in the West during the Cold War, and now have taken root to such an extent that they are taken for granted. Nowhere is this more evident than in the world of academia, where a great many lecturers and students, if not sworn Marxists, certainly hold an unquestioning sympathy towards the far left. This is also true for the media and the arts as well as film and music.

What we have now is a situation where there is (quite rightly) widespread awareness of, and opposition to the extreme right. However the extreme left goes about its business almost entirely unnoticed. This is the ideology which subjected millions upon millions to untold suffering, and even now that Communism is nominally waning, it has left a legacy of instability that will be nigh on impossible to shake. While the people of Eastern Europe lost their blood fighting for the kind of life that we in the West enjoy, our political and societal elites are fighting hard to create a new Union of Socialist Republics, to install a new system of repression and wealth distribution in order to lead us to that nightmarish state of affairs envisaged so prophetically by George Orwell in 1948.

These people see it as their duty to push the West in an unwaveringly Leftward direction, and have been enjoying great success. With Political Correctness as their creed and the media as their tool, they seek in all aspects of society to act as some valiant Robin Hood, stealing from the rich oppressor and giving to the poor oppressed.

But if you are constantly trying to tip the scales of this world in favour of the loser and the oppressed, then the balance will swing in the opposite direction, and you will make yourself a new oppressor and a new oppressed, and the scales must be tipped again. Its all Swings & Roundabouts, and the actions of the leftists are coming back to haunt us all...